I first learned of Green Drinks when I moved to Toronto five years ago. There I found a thriving happy hour of 50-100 people. I got involved, pressed the flesh, but the truth is I never got to know anyone as well as I would have liked.
So upon moving to St. John's, I thought I'd give it a try here. I thought it'd be great to create a community in which the common denominator is sustainability. We started with a solid turn-out, tapered off, surged again, and tapered off. From a turn-out perspective, this chapter of Green Drinks was never successful.
On the other hand, I've gotten to know many of the attendees quite well. Some of them I consider friends now, and I've been in their homes. In that regard, Green Drinks has been wildly successful for me (which admittedly is not the most important thing).
Now, I think we should reconsider our format. It does seem like people do want to be part of environmental community. But maybe the monthly format is not best suited for St. John's. Perhaps we go quarterly. Perhaps, instead of meeting at one location, we could mix it up and sample the many interesting bars in St. John's. Also, it seems like we'd do well to have some project or goal that's more than just hanging out. (That was always my intention, but I was always waiting for the group to "solidify.")
So there are some things to think about, and we'll revisit them in the next year. Until then, have a green, safe, happy holiday season!
Green Drinks is a fun, smart, welcoming happy hour for anyone interested in sustainability and the environment
Wednesday, 28 November 2012
Sunday, 28 October 2012
No Green Drinks for Halloween
Since this Green Drinks falls on Halloween night, we're taking a month off. So no Green Drinks. See you in November.
Tuesday, 25 September 2012
See you Wednesday night!
Charles is feeling festive. |
Tomorrow night we'll be at the Duke of Duckworth. We've had solid turnout for several months now. The weather should be idyllic. So it's a great time to join us. If you don't see Charles inside, look for him (and us) on the back deck.
Monday, 24 September 2012
Our mascot
Meet Charles the Charonosaurus. Charles is going to be joining us each month, letting newcomers know where Green Drinks' table is, because he'll be in the middle of it. The old method of identifying Green Drinks was (ahem) simply finding the best looking group in the bar. That is still an option. But now there'll be a dinosaur in the table, too.
Why a dinosaur? Maybe he's a reminder that evolution does happen. Or that we need to get away from fossil fuels. Or that we humans do not want to follow in Charles' prehistoric foot steps. Whatever the reason, it is not because he was cheap at the dollar store.
Saturday, 25 August 2012
See you at the Duke on Wednesday!
Last month I was getting a week of training at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (Yes, it's green work, thank you.), so now I'm looking forward to my first Green Drinks at the Duke of Duckworth. I hope to see you there. And, by the way, HERE is the facebook event for this month, should you care to pass it around.
Tuesday, 24 July 2012
Friday, 13 July 2012
The vote says: It's the Duke!
Thanks to everyone who voted. The results were: 2 for the Duke, 2 for the Ship, and 2 explicitly not for the Ship, 1 for some place near MUN. So we'll meet at the Duke of Duckworth for the foreseeable future. Keep in mind that during the summer, we could be on their patio out back. We'll keep the same time--last Wednesday of the month. Cheers.
Friday, 6 July 2012
Another Poll & A Facebook Group
After a week of voting, the results from the polls are in, and fortunately, a majority has spoken in each of them. Regarding the timing of the meetings, people have shown that existing schedule is fine--last Wednesday of the month, so we'll stick to that.
However, a majority has also indicated that they'd like to be elsewhere in downtown off George Street. So thanks to Bridie Molloy's; I do appreciate their helping us get started. But it looks like we'll be going elsewhere. So now we have to assess where. The poll below includes some suggestions I've gotten. Please vote it in and feel free to add suggestions under "Other."
Free Online Polls
Also someone suggested our using a facebook group rather than a page, which is what we've used thus far. Apparently, the group allows more functionality. So Greg Baggs nicely agreed to make it. (Thanks, Greg.) It is HERE. Please join it. Gradually, we'll make that our main facebook presence.
However, a majority has also indicated that they'd like to be elsewhere in downtown off George Street. So thanks to Bridie Molloy's; I do appreciate their helping us get started. But it looks like we'll be going elsewhere. So now we have to assess where. The poll below includes some suggestions I've gotten. Please vote it in and feel free to add suggestions under "Other."
Free Online Polls
Also someone suggested our using a facebook group rather than a page, which is what we've used thus far. Apparently, the group allows more functionality. So Greg Baggs nicely agreed to make it. (Thanks, Greg.) It is HERE. Please join it. Gradually, we'll make that our main facebook presence.
Thursday, 28 June 2012
Vote in our polls
Last night was our most successful Green Drinks since the first (which makes me think I should threaten to close it down every month).
As promised, we're going to re-evaluate our current configuration. Apropos of that, please vote in the polls below to help us get a sense of what works best for you. (If you're not reading this through the blog, please go to it.)
Free Website Poll
For the first survey, if your choice is one of the "elsewhere" choices, please specify a location in the comments. Whether we stay or not, I do appreciate Bridie Molloy's hosting us.
For the next poll, I've put all possible time slots in the interest of thoroughness, though some seem extremely unlikely.
Free Website Survey
Free Online Surveys
Personally, I have no stake these choices; I'm fine with whatever suits the group best. After a week, we'll evaluate your responses and see where we stand.
As promised, we're going to re-evaluate our current configuration. Apropos of that, please vote in the polls below to help us get a sense of what works best for you. (If you're not reading this through the blog, please go to it.)
Free Website Poll
For the first survey, if your choice is one of the "elsewhere" choices, please specify a location in the comments. Whether we stay or not, I do appreciate Bridie Molloy's hosting us.
For the next poll, I've put all possible time slots in the interest of thoroughness, though some seem extremely unlikely.
Free Website Survey
Free Online Surveys
Personally, I have no stake these choices; I'm fine with whatever suits the group best. After a week, we'll evaluate your responses and see where we stand.
Tuesday, 26 June 2012
This Wednesday is back on!
A number of people have expressed a desire to meet this Wednesday and discuss the group. So who am I to say "no?" We'll meet as previously scheduled at Bridie Molloy's starting around 6 or so tomorrow night. (Of course, I understand almost everyone will show up after 6; that's fine.)
So, if you have any thoughts about how Green Drinks' configuration could be better, now is the time to make it known. I have at least one idea I'll put out there.
Sorry about this reversal and "drama." That wasn't my intention. I guess I underestimated others' interest in the group.
So, if you have any thoughts about how Green Drinks' configuration could be better, now is the time to make it known. I have at least one idea I'll put out there.
Sorry about this reversal and "drama." That wasn't my intention. I guess I underestimated others' interest in the group.
Monday, 25 June 2012
Green Drinks is suspended
I won't be holding this week's Green Drinks nor for the foreseeable future. Simply put, despite a nice response on the internet, we haven't gotten much of a response at the actual happy hours. Given that and the presence of other demands, I'm suspending the group.
If anyone else would like to take it on, I'd be happy to join, and I'd be happy to hand over the reigns to this "vast internet presence," too. If that happened, perhaps the formula used--be it venue, frequency, etc--could be reconsidered, too.
This weekend I was at a party hosted by someone I met through Green Drinks. When we spoke, he felt apologetic about missing the prior month. Later, I met someone who had liked our facebook page but never attended. When I explained my involvement, she, too, felt a bit apologetic. While I appreciated the consideration in those responses, I regretted that both people felt the need to offer them. I never wanted Green Drinks to seem like an obligation but a pleasure to be anticipated. I wanted to create a community of people who care about the environment, but, as I've learned about other organizations, perhaps that need has already been met.
If anyone else would like to take it on, I'd be happy to join, and I'd be happy to hand over the reigns to this "vast internet presence," too. If that happened, perhaps the formula used--be it venue, frequency, etc--could be reconsidered, too.
This weekend I was at a party hosted by someone I met through Green Drinks. When we spoke, he felt apologetic about missing the prior month. Later, I met someone who had liked our facebook page but never attended. When I explained my involvement, she, too, felt a bit apologetic. While I appreciated the consideration in those responses, I regretted that both people felt the need to offer them. I never wanted Green Drinks to seem like an obligation but a pleasure to be anticipated. I wanted to create a community of people who care about the environment, but, as I've learned about other organizations, perhaps that need has already been met.
Saturday, 23 June 2012
An Important Film
This film, "Collapse," describes the implications of contemporary civilization's dependence on oil and what happens when that oil is exhausted. Despite the fact that it screened at the Toronto International Film Festival and received positive critical reception, it is not a feel-good movie. All the more reason why it's a film that one should watch.
Saturday, 9 June 2012
"I Am," An Inspiring Film
One of the great things about the internet is the availability of alternative media, compelling stories that would never get told via corporate-owned outlets.
Here's a film I found extremely inspiring, and at its core, it's all about living sustainably. Its title is "I Am."
It's broken into three parts on youtube. Here are parts two and three.
Here's a film I found extremely inspiring, and at its core, it's all about living sustainably. Its title is "I Am."
It's broken into three parts on youtube. Here are parts two and three.
Tuesday, 29 May 2012
"You like me! You really like me!"
Over the past month, I've been quite pleased to see a surge in "likes" on our facebook page. As I type, we're up to 34 and still climbing!
This Wednesday (tomorrow) is our May meeting, which will likely be our first with some nice weather. Each meeting has brought out new people, each with fascinating stories to tell. So I hope to see you there.
And in case you didn't catch it, the title of this post alluded to Sally Field's Oscar acceptance speech.
This Wednesday (tomorrow) is our May meeting, which will likely be our first with some nice weather. Each meeting has brought out new people, each with fascinating stories to tell. So I hope to see you there.
And in case you didn't catch it, the title of this post alluded to Sally Field's Oscar acceptance speech.
Sally Field's 1985 Oscar Acceptance Speech
Get More: Sally Field's 1985 Oscar Acceptance Speech
Tuesday, 24 April 2012
Make tomorrow Earth Day part 2
Over the last month, I've talked to a lot of great people who are engaged in stewardship of our environment. Each of them bring their own flair to the enterprise. I'm hoping tomorrow will be a time for all of those people to come together.
Also, just to be clear, here are the drink specials we've got for the happy hour:
Domestic Bottled Beer - $3.50+tax per
Rail Liquor - $3.50+tax per ounce
Jugs Domestic Beer - $10+tax per jug
Those specials will run until 10pm.
Sunday, 22 April 2012
Happy Earth Day!
And what an Earth Day it is! Gorgeous weather. Get out and enjoy it! Let's celebrate it together on Wednesday, too.
Part of my enjoyment will include putting up the newest flyer, seen below:
Part of my enjoyment will include putting up the newest flyer, seen below:
Wednesday, 18 April 2012
Where NL's environmentalism ranks
If you haven't seen it already, the David Suzuki Foundation ranked each province's environmental policies last week. (You can see the rankings here.) Unfortunately, Newfoundland & Labrador's ranking was not good.
Hopefully, though, each time Green Drinks meets we're making some small, necessary contribution to elevating the local consciousness. And we do it with a pint in hand.
Hopefully, though, each time Green Drinks meets we're making some small, necessary contribution to elevating the local consciousness. And we do it with a pint in hand.
Wednesday, 11 April 2012
Check out FEASt Fest!
A couple of our Green Drinkers asked me to remind you about the FEASt Fest this Saturday 11-3 in the Foran Room of City Hall. Food-Education-Action-St. John's is holding their annual festival, featuring a seed swap, children's activities, presentations, booths, and a panel on urban growing. Just the ticket now that spring is in the air.
Tuesday, 27 March 2012
Tomorrow night is Green Drinks! So bring a friend.
(That video has some of the best graphics this side of the Atari 2600.)
Wednesday, 14 March 2012
A Call for Ideas--Publicity!
As our next meeting is two weeks away, I wanted to ask all of you for any ideas to help get the word out about Green Drinks. Do you have any suggestions about specific ways to publicize the
I've put the group on Craigslist, facebook, and the Scope. (Though I really wish the Scope would include a link to this site.) Mostly, I'm trying to use the internet to publicize it, but I have put up flyers around downtown, too. I've contacted NLEN, NLEE, Occupy NFLD, the Green, Liberal and NDP parties. I've made a slow and steady effort. If there are any other organizations or physical spaces you think I should hit, let me know.
Of course, feel free to tweet this or put a link to this on your facebook page, too. : )
I've put the group on Craigslist, facebook, and the Scope. (Though I really wish the Scope would include a link to this site.) Mostly, I'm trying to use the internet to publicize it, but I have put up flyers around downtown, too. I've contacted NLEN, NLEE, Occupy NFLD, the Green, Liberal and NDP parties. I've made a slow and steady effort. If there are any other organizations or physical spaces you think I should hit, let me know.
Of course, feel free to tweet this or put a link to this on your facebook page, too. : )
Sunday, 4 March 2012
We have lift off!
When it comes to starting new Green Drinks chapters, the international site explains, "Many Green Drinks start with a dozen people." So as last Wednesday evening rolled around, I wondered if our chapter would measure up. Or would I be the guy . . . by himself at Bridie Molloy's . . . in a corner with a Green Drinks sign. Well, I'm happy to report that our first happy hour was a well attended first meeting.
And I was thrilled with the tone of the group. The people there could not have been friendlier, and the conversation could not have been more intelligent or funnier. I'm already looking forward to March 28th.
As people arrived, I'd ask if they'd been to this site, but all of them said "no." That surprised me because I'd been really pleased with the response this site and its facebook page had gotten in the build up to our first happy hour. Ah well, in months to come, I'll look forward to meeting those who "liked" our facebook page as well.
![]() |
Grainy photos of some of the earliest arriving Green Drinkers. |
As people arrived, I'd ask if they'd been to this site, but all of them said "no." That surprised me because I'd been really pleased with the response this site and its facebook page had gotten in the build up to our first happy hour. Ah well, in months to come, I'll look forward to meeting those who "liked" our facebook page as well.
Tuesday, 28 February 2012
Saturday, 25 February 2012
New Flyer
Here's a newer version of our flier that I've put up around downtown and MUN (right, Blaine?). It's got more vivid colours, tighter wording, and a QR code (the scannable thing at the bottom) that takes people to this website. (By the way, here's a free QR reader app for iOS that I've been using.)
Wednesday, 22 February 2012
And the drink specials are . . .
Check out the deals Bridie Molloy's is offering us on the 29th:
Draught Beer - Domestic - $4.95 +tax per
Bottled Beer - Domestic - $3.50+tax per
Bar Rail Liquor - $3.50+tax per ounce
Mussels - $6 per pound
Maple Bacon and Scallop Burger $14.50
Sunday, 22 January 2012
Green Drinks is kicking off!
As you can see, Green Drinks St. John's is kicking off February 29th! Feel free to distribute the image above as a flyer. You should begin to see this flyer around town as well.
Bridie Molloy's has committed to hosting us and already has some drinks specials with more deals to come. Once that's finalized, I'll announce that as well.
See you on the 29th!
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