Friday, 13 July 2012

The vote says: It's the Duke!

Thanks to everyone who voted.  The results were:  2 for the Duke, 2 for the Ship, and 2 explicitly not for the Ship, 1 for some place near MUN.  So we'll meet at the Duke of Duckworth for the foreseeable future.  Keep in mind that during the summer, we could be on their patio out back.  We'll keep the same time--last Wednesday of the month.  Cheers.

Friday, 6 July 2012

Another Poll & A Facebook Group

After a week of voting, the results from the polls are in, and fortunately, a majority has spoken in each of them.  Regarding the timing of the meetings, people have shown that existing schedule is fine--last Wednesday of the month, so we'll stick to that.

However, a majority has also indicated that they'd like to be elsewhere in downtown off George Street.  So thanks to Bridie Molloy's; I do appreciate their helping us get started.  But it looks like we'll be going elsewhere.  So now we have to assess where.  The poll below includes some suggestions I've gotten.  Please vote it in and feel free to add suggestions under "Other."

Free Online Polls

Also someone suggested our using a facebook group rather than a page, which is what we've used thus far.  Apparently, the group allows more functionality.  So Greg Baggs nicely agreed to make it.  (Thanks, Greg.)  It is HERE.  Please join it.  Gradually, we'll make that our main facebook presence.