Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Green Drinks Wednesday April 29, 7:00 pm @ Bitters MUN Campus

Hello Green Drinkers!

We look forward to seeing you at our next informal networking event. 
We will be at Bitters Pub, Wednesday April 29th, 7 pm. 

 Look for our mascot Charlie the dinosaur.

For our last Green Drinks event, we "crashed" the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society's event in support of Gros Morne National Park. Thanks to all those who came out to the successful night!

Send us a note or leave a comment if you have something you'd like to bring to the group on April 29th. Our group is growing fast and we are very excited to see so many Green Drinkers in St. John's. Let's keep it up! We welcome all new and regular members.


Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Net metering coming soon to NL!

Great news everyone! The long awaited net-metering policy is expected to be implemented in NL this year.

Net-metering allows people to produce electricity in their own homes and sell whatever power they don't use back to the grid (i.e. the power company). Net metering is an essential thing to make home power production more mainstream. Hopefully we'll be seeing more solar panels around town soon!

Read more on the developments in the Telegram.

We couldn't be more excited!