Wednesday, 15 May 2013

In Two Weeks at Newfoundland's Greenest Pub

Things are looking good for the May Green Drinks on the 29th (7 pm) at Bitters.  Initially, I thought we'd do that simply because it had worked so well in February.  But then I checked Bitters' site and saw this:
Well done, Bitters!  Now I couldn't think of a better place to have it.

It looks like the turn out is going to be good, too.  I know that looking at the RSVP's on the facebook events might not suggest it.  But there are actually three events that get distributed--two facebook events and a google calendar event.  Our RSVP's are in the double digits with a few maybe's.  Plus, Blue Drinks' (another environmental group) meeting this Tuesday got scrubbed, because Bitters was closed for a private party.  So Blue Drinks is joining Green Drinks to make . . . Teal Drinks.  Sure, that's it.
(I've got logo envy.)
(By the way, should we ever find Green Drinks booted from Bitters for any reason, our back-up location will be Ben's Pub in Churchill Square on Elizabeth Street.)

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