Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Tomorrow night, Charles is back!

Previously on GreenStJohns.blogspot:  I designated Charles the Charonosaurus our mascot, to preside over our table, and let everyone know we're Green Drinks.  And you can see him here in a group photo for last February's meet-up. </end flashback>

But then I did a terrible thing; I left Charles at home for the May Green Drinks.  A MUN professor asked, "Where's the dinosaur?"  I tried to explain, but she hasn't been back to Green Drinks since.  Then I did another terrible thing; I left Charles at home for the August Green Drinks.  And two new Green Drinkers had a hard time finding our table, one of whom had traveled all the way from Attu, Alaska just to come to Green Drinks.  I felt awful.

Well, I'm here to testify that those dark days are behind me.  As you can see, Charles' new sign is made of glitter, so it will not be missed.  And it's held to him with duct tape, so it will not be dropped.  And Charles will be at Green Drinks tomorrow night, proudly . . . doing whatever plastic dinosaurs do in pubs.

Sunday, 24 November 2013

Suzuki (et. al.) was stellar!

I'm still basking in what an inspiring event last night's presentation with David Suzuki was!
I'd heard Suzuki on the radio before, but it wasn't until I heard him in person that I appreciated what a passionate, uncompromising advocate he is for environmental stewardship.

Not surprisingly, some Green Drinkers were involved with the event, too.  Third from the left there is our own Joel Finnis.  (I don't know whose head is in the foreground.)  And Lanna Campbell was instrumental in organizing the event.  I even nervously asked the first question, plugging Green Drinks and teeing off Suzuki on the lack of wind development here.  (Mostly I was nervous about the moderator cutting me off.)

The event was also inspiring simply because so many came out.  Some made the point that they were preaching to the "converted."  Perhaps, but it's also important for people who care about the environment to gather together and know they're not alone.  That is Green Drinks' first function, and it's why I'm looking forward to this Wednesday's meet-up.

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Suzuki on Saturday--Us next Wednesday

This Saturday, David Suzuki will be in town, presenting a film on climate change and energy in Atlantic Canada.  You can get tickets here.  But I have one extra ticket (courtesy of Michael) for free!  The first person to get in touch with me, David, can have it.  Facebook is probably the best way to contact me.  (However you contact me, be sure to leave a way for me to reply.)
I'll be there.  If you come, do so "hi."

Or just say "hi" in a week at Bitters at our next meet-up.

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Worth a listen or two

Recently I listened to two podcasts I thought worth sharing.

First, I listened to a recent episode of the Groks Science Show entitled "Kivalina Climate Change."  Typically, this podcast interviews scientists, but this time they interviewed filmmaker Elizabeth Gaylynn Baker about her recent documentary concerning climate change.  While she didn't express herself like a scientist but rather like an artist, Ms. Baker managed to express a genuinely optimistic view in the face of the depressing subject of climate change.  That was refreshing.
The second podcast wasn't as affirming, but it needs to be heard nonetheless.  The penultimate episode of Harry Shearer's le Show interviewed Yves Smith, a former financial insider, about the pending, little-known free trade agreements between southeast Asia, Europe, and the US (and presumably Canada).  While their conversation focused on the US, their first salient example was corporations' attempting to usurp Quebecois laws banning fracking.  The salient quote was:  "It's a race to the bottom on environmental and labor laws."  It's not good news, but you should know it.  Within the first three minutes, the nature of the bad news was pretty clear.  One galling aspect of these deals was that the terms of those agreements were kept secret--not just from the public--but members of Congress.  Well today, Wikileaks has published a chapter.

See you in two weeks at Bitters!

Update:  Here is a brief article about the trade deal from a Canadian perspective.  It confirms Canada's intention to sign it.

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

In 3 weeks, Andrew Harvey and Sheilagh O'Leary in our house! (hopefully)

For me, Green Drinks has always been about creating a forward-thinking community in St. John's.  So apropos of that, I invited Andrew Harvey and Sheilagh O'Leary to our meet-up on November 27th (at 7 pm at Bitters).  Both have responded to me in the affirmative, and I'm thrilled. (See their RSVP's for the facebook event.)

Having said all that, Green Drinks has taught me that an RSVP is quite far from a guarantee.  These are two busy people, so I wouldn't want my writing about their reply to put any undue pressure on them. But I hope next Green Drinks is an opportunity for members to connect with forward-thinking people active in local politics.  (And of course, anyone involved in politics is always welcome.)

In other political news, the provincial government has put on holding any applications for fracking rights.  That's great news!  For now.