I'm still basking in what an inspiring event last night's presentation with David Suzuki was!
I'd heard Suzuki on the radio before, but it wasn't until I heard him in person that I appreciated what a passionate, uncompromising advocate he is for environmental stewardship.
Not surprisingly, some Green Drinkers were involved with the event, too. Third from the left there is our own Joel Finnis. (I don't know whose head is in the foreground.) And Lanna Campbell was instrumental in organizing the event. I even nervously asked the first question, plugging Green Drinks and teeing off Suzuki on the lack of wind development here. (Mostly I was nervous about the moderator cutting me off.)
The event was also inspiring simply because so many came out. Some made the point that they were preaching to the "converted." Perhaps, but it's also important for people who care about the environment to gather together and know they're not alone. That is Green Drinks' first function, and it's why I'm looking forward to this Wednesday's meet-up.
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