Green Drinks is a fun, smart, welcoming happy hour for anyone interested in sustainability and the environment
Wednesday, 24 December 2014
Happy holidays!
Seasons Greetings Green Drinkers! Wishing you a joyous and relaxing holiday season. A reminder that our next Green Drinks takes place the evening of January 28 at Bitters. Hope to see everyone there.
Wednesday, 19 November 2014
Happy Environmental November News Green Drinkers St. Johns, Newfoundland and Labrador
Our next meeting will be held at Bitters 7:00pm on Wednesday November 26th, 2014.
I thought it would be AWESOME to finally post some awesome news just encase some have not heard.
Biogas and Net Metering Initiatives Fulfill Energy Plan Commitments
Our province has FINALLY decided to jump on board with using the Methane from our St. John's Landfill to power homes in the St. Johns area. The Methane has been collected previously but was being burned off. NOW the province has agreed to use the power instead of wasting it... GOOD START!!
We all know that it is crucial to take GIANT leaps instead of baby steps...... but progress is always a good thing when in the right direction !
“This work is the next logical step in developing a net metering policy that reflects best practices and lessons learned from other jurisdictions. We have been working with Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro and Newfoundland Power on a framework for the net metering policy and have also met with staff of the Public Utilities Board to discuss implementation issues. Any policy put in place will provide value for ratepayers, and will be designed to meet the needs of the majority of homeowners in Newfoundland and Labrador.”
- Minister Dalley
r of the St. Johns Robin Hood Bay Landfill anytime Tuesday to Saturday. Book yourself or a group/school/organization and learn something new!
You can get a free tou
Our next meeting will be held at Bitters 7:00pm on Wednesday November 26th, 2014.
I thought it would be AWESOME to finally post some awesome news just encase some have not heard.
Biogas and Net Metering Initiatives Fulfill Energy Plan Commitments
Our province has FINALLY decided to jump on board with using the Methane from our St. John's Landfill to power homes in the St. Johns area. The Methane has been collected previously but was being burned off. NOW the province has agreed to use the power instead of wasting it... GOOD START!!
We all know that it is crucial to take GIANT leaps instead of baby steps...... but progress is always a good thing when in the right direction !
“This work is the next logical step in developing a net metering policy that reflects best practices and lessons learned from other jurisdictions. We have been working with Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro and Newfoundland Power on a framework for the net metering policy and have also met with staff of the Public Utilities Board to discuss implementation issues. Any policy put in place will provide value for ratepayers, and will be designed to meet the needs of the majority of homeowners in Newfoundland and Labrador.”
- Minister Dalley
r of the St. Johns Robin Hood Bay Landfill anytime Tuesday to Saturday. Book yourself or a group/school/organization and learn something new!
You can get a free tou
Wednesday, 12 November 2014
U.S.-China Climate Change Agreement (& meeting in 2 weeks)!
Just a reminder that in two weeks, we're meeting at Bitters. Hope to see you there. And last Saturday, we had a very productive meeting at the Sustainability Dialogues, hosted by our own Mark Stoddart, with several Green Drinkers in attendance.
And speaking of environmental policy--oh look!--the US and China have agreed to limit greenhouse gas emissions. Oh, Canada, you're running out of excuses.
And speaking of environmental policy--oh look!--the US and China have agreed to limit greenhouse gas emissions. Oh, Canada, you're running out of excuses.
Tuesday, 4 November 2014
Hello Green Drinkers
Happy November Green Drinks St. Johns, Newfoundland
Thank you all for being so patient waiting for the next blog as I have been asked by David to join in the fun and help organize the Green Drinks events here in wonderful St. John's Newfoundland.
It has been a couple of months since our last blog as I have been working out some kinks and getting used to the blogging world.
David has just updated the site with the next Green Drinks being this November 26th @ 7:00pm Bitters Pub on the MUN Campus.
I will be updating the blog once a week with some juicy information on what is happening in our communities.
Remember that our Farmers Market is still up and running until December so make sure to take the friends and family and support our local farmers and small entrepreneurs.
Additional local foods can be seen throughout the Conception Bay South drive on the weekends if you are interested in a fun scenic drive.
Also some amazing news EVENTS happening at the Holiday Inn November 14th
Green Building Council's holding an event ALL ARE WELCOME to see what is happening here in our province with Green buildings, LEED certification and small business owners with a passion and focus for our environment. CHECK IT OUT ( website URL above)
Can't wait to get blogging and please contact me with any ideas for events with Green Drinks, concerns or questions.
St. John's Farmers' Market — The St. John's Farmers' Market is run by a group of dedicated volunteers who strive to create, maintain and support a weekly Farmers' Market and all that it represents.
Tuesday, 30 September 2014
An environmental video you must watch!
Here's is a great video of some of the leaders and prominent contributors to the march on New York. I think it paints a very clear picture of where we are in addressing climate change.
Tuesday, 29 July 2014
Green Drinks tomorrow
So we're all set for our July Green Drinks tomorrow (Wednesday) 7 pm at Bitters. Hope to see you there.
After tomorrow, I will no longer be "running" Green Drinks. Krista will be "taking over," though I'm sure she would welcome the support and participation of anyone else who would like to be more involved. I appreciate her enthusiasm for Green Drinks. And of course, I appreciate the opportunity to get to know each of you who have come. I look forward to more opportunities to do so, as we continue to grow our green community.
After tomorrow, I will no longer be "running" Green Drinks. Krista will be "taking over," though I'm sure she would welcome the support and participation of anyone else who would like to be more involved. I appreciate her enthusiasm for Green Drinks. And of course, I appreciate the opportunity to get to know each of you who have come. I look forward to more opportunities to do so, as we continue to grow our green community.
Sunday, 13 July 2014
Tree of Life trip set; Green Drinks on the 30th
All the RSVP's for the Tree of Life are in, so we're all set. Thanks to all who are going.
Then on the 30th, we've got our regular Green Drinks at Bitters, of course. Hope to see you there!
Then on the 30th, we've got our regular Green Drinks at Bitters, of course. Hope to see you there!
Saturday, 5 July 2014
Tree of Life in 2 weeks; Green Drinks in 3 1/2
On the 19th, we're going to the Tree of Life. Most will stay overnight, though it's not strictly required. There's no drinking or drugs there. And each of us need to be prepared to pack some food--potluck style. Most importantly, please RSVP in the next week, and then read their handbook.
Also, July's Green Drinks is on the 30th at Bitters.
Now check out the latest edition of Solar PV TV, written by a friend of mine.
Wednesday, 25 June 2014
Green Drinks in a month & the Tree of Life on the 19th
July Green Drinks is on the 30th, as always at Bitters. (Regarding the "as always" part, I have communicated directly with Bitters' manager, who has assured me our future meeting won't be competing with pub quizzes.) Prior to that, we're going to the Tree of Life on the 19th. FYI--the Tree of Life offers private rooms in their bunkhouse, so we won't all be stacked on top of each on bunk beds. And just a reminder--no drinking or drugs at the Tree of Life.
On the 30th, John of Green Rock Electric Vehicle Solutions will be joining us. So apropos of that, here's a video demonstrating what's possible.
On the 30th, John of Green Rock Electric Vehicle Solutions will be joining us. So apropos of that, here's a video demonstrating what's possible.
Saturday, 21 June 2014
Recycling 2.0 & A Month Away from the Tree of Life
One of my goals this summer was to get a new bike and resume my habit of biking to work. Of course, I had to do something with the rustbucket that was my old bike, and I wasn't finding many good options. Then I heard a snippet on CBC about the Read-to-Ride program. Read-to-Ride takes bikes that would've ended in the dump, delivers them to the local prison, where inmates completely refurbish them. Then the like-new bikes are used as incentives for kids to meet certain literacy goals. So I was stoked. After checking, I learned that it's run by the owners of Long's Hill Convenience store.
So on my way there today, I ran into my friend and neighbor, Chris, and saw he was about to dispose of a bike. I told him about the program, so each of us brought in a bike. The program doesn't have a web site, but you can email them at . Basically, just drop your old bikes off at the convenience store.
Last Green Drinks, conversation veered into re-using pasta sauce jars. For quite a while, I've been cleaning them up and using them for all kinds of purposes, like storing bulk foods.
However, as useful as they are, the empty jars can start to pile up, but again, I didn't want to throw them away. Last week, I was at the Railway Coastal Museum and noticed they're collecting them for the Lantern Festival. Then after a wee bit of googling, I learned the whole festival is collecting them. So quit your trashing or your hording and drop off those bad boys!
We're a month away from our trip to the Tree of Life on July 19th. The people there have confirmed the date with us. Check out the specifics on the facebook event. Most will be spending the night, but that's not strictly necessary. However, we do need an RSVP. It should be a great time.
July Green Drinks is a week and a half after that.
So on my way there today, I ran into my friend and neighbor, Chris, and saw he was about to dispose of a bike. I told him about the program, so each of us brought in a bike. The program doesn't have a web site, but you can email them at . Basically, just drop your old bikes off at the convenience store.
Last Green Drinks, conversation veered into re-using pasta sauce jars. For quite a while, I've been cleaning them up and using them for all kinds of purposes, like storing bulk foods.
However, as useful as they are, the empty jars can start to pile up, but again, I didn't want to throw them away. Last week, I was at the Railway Coastal Museum and noticed they're collecting them for the Lantern Festival. Then after a wee bit of googling, I learned the whole festival is collecting them. So quit your trashing or your hording and drop off those bad boys!
We're a month away from our trip to the Tree of Life on July 19th. The people there have confirmed the date with us. Check out the specifics on the facebook event. Most will be spending the night, but that's not strictly necessary. However, we do need an RSVP. It should be a great time.
July Green Drinks is a week and a half after that.
Saturday, 31 May 2014
Car Sharing, Field Trips, and Rick Rolling
Did you know that several local people are trying to start a car-sharing co-op? It's true--CarShare NL. We were visited by team members, Sharon and Scott. I've long thought St. John's is a perfect fit for a car-sharing program. So do like their facebook page to engage and learn more.
And we've got two solid plans for field trips:
This Wednesday (June 4th) at 2:30 pm we're going on a tour of Robin Hood Bay recycling facility. Contact Corinna to go. Click here and scroll down to see her post.
On July 19th at 8 am we're going to the Tree of Life, an intentional community in St. Mary's. (Pending the Tree of Life's approval. They had provided me a list of available dates, including the 19th, but they have yet to confirm our choice.) Some of us will spend the night; some will return before night fall. You must RSVP if you intend to come; overnight visitors are limited to 10. And everyone must review their handbook. One key point--no drinking or drugs there (including black tar heroine).
As great as last Wednesday was, it wasn't perfect. For the second consecutive time, an unscheduled pub quiz occurred, providing a less-than-ideal environment for our otherwise scintillating conversation. Perhaps the low point was when the quiz started playing music videos, including Rick Astley's "Never Gonna Give You Up." That's right--we got Rick Rolled! (I do believe that's a historic first for a Green Drinks chapter anywhere.) What's Rick Rolling, you ask? Enjoy the following Star Wars clip for a sense of it.
As much as I've loved Bitters as our home base, I'm unhappy with the impromptu nature of these conflicts. I'm going to contact the manager to get his assistance on this matter.
Monday, 26 May 2014
Green Drinks this Wednesday!
Last reminder--Green Drinks this Wednesday at 7 at Bitters!
In March, I encouraged Green Drinkers to join a couple of advisory committees in the city. Well I'm pleased to announce that at least one followed up and got accepted! So congratulations to Corinna. I'm sure she'll make a valuable contribution.
Also, in my last post, I posited that Green Drinkers liked seeing images of metal bands in these posts. Well, the reaction to the Stryper post did not support that hypothesis. Nevertheless, here's "Hedwig and the Angry Inch" as promised.
In March, I encouraged Green Drinkers to join a couple of advisory committees in the city. Well I'm pleased to announce that at least one followed up and got accepted! So congratulations to Corinna. I'm sure she'll make a valuable contribution.
Also, in my last post, I posited that Green Drinkers liked seeing images of metal bands in these posts. Well, the reaction to the Stryper post did not support that hypothesis. Nevertheless, here's "Hedwig and the Angry Inch" as promised.
Thursday, 22 May 2014
You like this, don't you?
Just a friendly reminder--Green Drinks is next Wednesday at 7 pm at Bitters! We're going to talk about going to the Tree of Life and touring the recycling centre, among other things.
Now about this title. Every time I make one of these posts, facebook will show me how many people look at it. Usually it's a dozen or so. But recall that two weeks ago, I wrote a post that included an image of Spinal Tap. To my great surprise, I found that over night more than a hundred people had viewed that post (see below). There aren't even a hundred people liking Green Drinks! That tells me something--Green Drinks loves silly metal bands. Well, who am I to deny you? (And you're welcome.) Next time, it's Hedwig and the Angry Inch!
And now a video that begs the question, "Why aren't we doing this here?"
Stryper, thumbs up for Green Drinks . . . and the environment! |
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A tale of two posts: Maybe if the Fracking Awareness Network (top) donned the spandex, they'd get Spinal-Tap numbers. |
Thursday, 15 May 2014
At it again . . .
We're meeting again in two weeks, on Wednesday May 28th at 7 pm at Bitters, of course.
We won't be the only environmentalists in Newfoundland getting active. This morning the Fracking Awareness Network called for an independent review of proposed fracking. Here's the article, "Provincial network calls for independent review of fracking impacts." And apropos of that, here's the latest le Show that starts off with a "What the Frack?" segment; it's great news . . . if you like earthquakes!
Photo by Gary Kean for the Western Star |
Wednesday, 7 May 2014
Springing to life
Did I say we shouldn't have to deal with snow in May? Ah, er, well, we shouldn't. But no one asked me. Hopefully we won't though, as we meet for Green Drinks on May 28th, 7 pm, at Bitters.
But with winter in retreat, Green Drinks has a number activities on the docket for these warm(er) months. I've been in touch with the good people at the Tree of Life about our taking a field trip there. The Tree of Life is an intentional, sustainable community near St. Mary's. Also, we're going to try to tour the Robin Hood Bay recycling facility. There will be a Sustainable Canada Dialogue visioning workshop in St. John's in the fall, hosted by our own award-winning sociologist, Mark Stoddart. I'm looking forward to all of these. They should be great opportunities to engage the community.
Now, let's talk about Harry Shearer. Whether you know it or not, you probably know of him. Either through his playing this guy:
or voicing this guy:
But for years, I've been listening to his radio show/podcast "le Show," which is an eponymous mix of news, music and satire. Several of the show's segments, like "What the Frack?" and "News of the Warm," track the quotidian, often-missed environmental news. So do check it out.
But with winter in retreat, Green Drinks has a number activities on the docket for these warm(er) months. I've been in touch with the good people at the Tree of Life about our taking a field trip there. The Tree of Life is an intentional, sustainable community near St. Mary's. Also, we're going to try to tour the Robin Hood Bay recycling facility. There will be a Sustainable Canada Dialogue visioning workshop in St. John's in the fall, hosted by our own award-winning sociologist, Mark Stoddart. I'm looking forward to all of these. They should be great opportunities to engage the community.
Now, let's talk about Harry Shearer. Whether you know it or not, you probably know of him. Either through his playing this guy:
Harry Shearer (left), playing the bassist of "Spinal Tap" (and inspiring future sociologists) |
But for years, I've been listening to his radio show/podcast "le Show," which is an eponymous mix of news, music and satire. Several of the show's segments, like "What the Frack?" and "News of the Warm," track the quotidian, often-missed environmental news. So do check it out.
Wednesday, 30 April 2014
We're meeting in a month
The next Green Drinks is on May 28th at 7 pm at Bitters (of course). By then, hopefully, the worst weather we'll have to confront will be fog.
For quite a while, I've been following Pulitzer-Prize-winning journalist Christopher Hedges, but I've been surprised that so few have heard of him. Here's a brief video, introducing his perspective on climate change:
For quite a while, I've been following Pulitzer-Prize-winning journalist Christopher Hedges, but I've been surprised that so few have heard of him. Here's a brief video, introducing his perspective on climate change:
Tuesday, 22 April 2014
Happy Earth Day!
I hope today is a day to reflect on the world's natural beauty and the life it affords us. I hope that it is also a time to reflect on what we, as citizens and a community, can do to sustain our beautiful ecosystem.
After rescheduling, March's Green Drinks did take place (in April). We had a nice turnout and a good time as well. But strangely, we arrived to find Bitters largely taken over by the Liberal party, who was suddenly hosting an unscheduled trivia event in our second hour. And it wasn't just any trivia--it was Liberal party trivia. Ugh. Ah well. I'll contact Bitters' people to see how we might avoid such scenarios in the future.
We meet next on May 28th. By then, it looks like we won't have to reschedule due to snow storms. (fingers crossed)
And now, for your reading edification:
Clean Energy Rollout Would Shave Fraction Off Economic Growth - Truthdig
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Photo Vicky Marshall-Beasely |
We meet next on May 28th. By then, it looks like we won't have to reschedule due to snow storms. (fingers crossed)
And now, for your reading edification:
Clean Energy Rollout Would Shave Fraction Off Economic Growth - Truthdig
Saturday, 29 March 2014
Follow up from last week
Just to be clear, we're having Green Drinks this Wednesday April 2nd at 7 pm at Bitters. Sorry to postpone last week's. The forecasts had the weather getting horrendous right about start time and worsening through the evening, including 100 kph gusts!
Here's a great Daily Show clip about fracking. Enjoy.
Here's a great Daily Show clip about fracking. Enjoy.
Tuesday, 25 March 2014
Green Drinks POSTPONED one week!
Tomorrow night's weather is supposed to god awful, and we're still digging out from yesterday, and the city canned 75% of the snow plows, so . . . we're going to meet on April 2nd instead. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Tuesday, 18 March 2014
Two key reminders
First, the next Green Drinks is in a week, the 26th, at Bitters. If you're reading this, you survived St. Paddy's Day, so . . . you should drink some more beer with us.
Second, as I wrote last Sunday, the city of St. John's is looking for volunteers to advise the city, including their Environmental Advisory Committee. The application deadline for both is this Friday, the 21st at 4 pm. From hanging out with all of you, I know that Green Drinks has a lot of thoughtful people with great ideas. I think it'd be great to see some Green Drinkers in these positions. But also, I know a number of you are looking for career opportunities, and it seems like this kind of volunteering would be great for that. (Granted, these aren't paid positions. But it would definitely raise your profile, create networking opportunities, and look great on a resume.)
A now for your viewing pleasure . . .
Second, as I wrote last Sunday, the city of St. John's is looking for volunteers to advise the city, including their Environmental Advisory Committee. The application deadline for both is this Friday, the 21st at 4 pm. From hanging out with all of you, I know that Green Drinks has a lot of thoughtful people with great ideas. I think it'd be great to see some Green Drinkers in these positions. But also, I know a number of you are looking for career opportunities, and it seems like this kind of volunteering would be great for that. (Granted, these aren't paid positions. But it would definitely raise your profile, create networking opportunities, and look great on a resume.)
A now for your viewing pleasure . . .
Sunday, 16 March 2014
Engage with us on the 26th & with the city on the 21st
Well, it's March 16th, and naturally, everyone is looking forward to . . . Green Drinks (on the 26th at Bitters), not to be confused with another green drinking occasion.
But there's another great opportunity to participate in the city's activities. St. John's is forming an engagement task force, seeking citizen volunteers "to support the development of a public engagement framework." Furthermore, there's a parallel (though, I think, related) volunteer effort for the city's Environmental Advisory Committee. Both have application deadlines on next Friday, March 21st at 4 p.m. (I applaud the city for seeking its citizens' input.)
Green Drinkers, this is a great opportunity for us to put forward-thinking citizens in positions to affect local policy. Please consider joining either of these. Here is the link to the engagement task force. Here is the link to the Environmental Advisory Committee.
But there's another great opportunity to participate in the city's activities. St. John's is forming an engagement task force, seeking citizen volunteers "to support the development of a public engagement framework." Furthermore, there's a parallel (though, I think, related) volunteer effort for the city's Environmental Advisory Committee. Both have application deadlines on next Friday, March 21st at 4 p.m. (I applaud the city for seeking its citizens' input.)
Green Drinkers, this is a great opportunity for us to put forward-thinking citizens in positions to affect local policy. Please consider joining either of these. Here is the link to the engagement task force. Here is the link to the Environmental Advisory Committee.
Or "Make it so!" |
Wednesday, 12 March 2014
We meet in two weeks!
As if St. Patty's Day never happened, we'll tilt pints of our own. We're meeting at Bitters on March 26th at 7 pm to start our bi-monthly schedule for 2014.
For your edification, here's a story about the fossil fuel industry. Sure, it's in Ontario, but the industry is big here, too. You can see how reasonable they are.
For your edification, here's a story about the fossil fuel industry. Sure, it's in Ontario, but the industry is big here, too. You can see how reasonable they are.
Thursday, 27 February 2014
We're trying a bi-monthly schedule starting in March.
Many have asked to increase the frequency of Green Drinks, so for 2014, we're going to go to a bi-monthly schedule starting on March 26th. Why March and not April? Because certain even-numbered months have built-in conflicts, namely December, October, and a lackluster experience in August.
My only concern about this new schedule is that the supply of Green Drinks meet-ups will be prove greater than the demand for them and attendance will suck. So if you've asked for more Green Drinks, be there and bring friends. And if you'd intended to come in February but didn't because a big snowstorm hit right when Green Drinks was starting, come in March. (We did have a good turnout and a good time, by the way. I just noticed that several who said they were coming didn't.)
That is all.
My only concern about this new schedule is that the supply of Green Drinks meet-ups will be prove greater than the demand for them and attendance will suck. So if you've asked for more Green Drinks, be there and bring friends. And if you'd intended to come in February but didn't because a big snowstorm hit right when Green Drinks was starting, come in March. (We did have a good turnout and a good time, by the way. I just noticed that several who said they were coming didn't.)
That is all.
Tuesday, 18 February 2014
See you tomorrow at Bitters!
I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow night! 7 pm at Bitters. And just to be clear, anyone is always welcomed.
Here's yet another compelling video. Here's hoping he remembers his words when it comes to the XL pipeline.
Wind energy . . . it happens. |
Thursday, 13 February 2014
Next Wednesday, we will be at Bitters!
Well, talk about good timing. Bitters has re-opened and with enough of an advance to clarify plans for the group. So our next meet-up is on the 19th at our beloved Bitters. So far, the RSVP's have been quite good, too.
Here's a very compellling interview of Bill McKibben, founder of
Here's a very compellling interview of Bill McKibben, founder of
Wednesday, 5 February 2014
Meeting in two weeks!
I'm really looking forward to the next Green Drinks in two weeks. Our hope is to meet at Bitters as usual, but currently, it's closed. If it's not open in a week (the 12th), we'll meet at Bridie Molloy's on George Street.
Last weekend, I watched a compelling documentary, Greedy Lying Bastards, which charted the misinformation campaign of the fossil fuel industry. It was quite good, though sobering. ("Sobering" . . . thank god for Green Drinks!)
Last weekend, I watched a compelling documentary, Greedy Lying Bastards, which charted the misinformation campaign of the fossil fuel industry. It was quite good, though sobering. ("Sobering" . . . thank god for Green Drinks!)
Monday, 20 January 2014
Meeting next month but with some wrinkles. Please read.
There are a couple of slight changes to our format for our February meet-up.
First, we're meeting on February 19th, which is not the last Wednesday of the month but the penultimate one. Sorry about the change, but I've got to go out of town the next week.
Second, we might not be meeting at Bitters, though we'll plan to for the time being. Apparently, Bitters' pipes burst during our recent snow-pocalypse. I have it on good authority that it's supposed to be open soon. But if it's not open by the 12th, we'll meet at Bridie Molloy's on George Street, our original meeting place. I'll update this blog and the facebook event accordingly.
Despite these complications, we'll be celebrating our second anniversary. Woo-hoo! Thanks to all of you for your interest and participation! And happy new year!
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