Sunday, 16 March 2014

Engage with us on the 26th & with the city on the 21st

Well, it's March 16th, and naturally, everyone is looking forward to . . . Green Drinks (on the 26th at Bitters), not to be confused with another green drinking occasion.
But there's another great opportunity to participate in the city's activities.  St. John's is forming an engagement task force, seeking citizen volunteers "to support the development of a public engagement framework."  Furthermore, there's a parallel (though, I think, related) volunteer effort for the city's Environmental Advisory Committee.  Both have application deadlines on next Friday, March 21st at 4 p.m.  (I applaud the city for seeking its citizens' input.)

Green Drinkers, this is a great opportunity for us to put forward-thinking citizens in positions to affect local policy.  Please consider joining either of these.  Here is the link to the engagement task force.  Here is the link to the Environmental Advisory Committee.
Or "Make it so!"

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