Saturday, 29 March 2014

Follow up from last week

Just to be clear, we're having Green Drinks this Wednesday April 2nd at 7 pm at Bitters.  Sorry to postpone last week's.  The forecasts had the weather getting horrendous right about start time and worsening through the evening, including 100 kph gusts!

Here's a great Daily Show clip about fracking.  Enjoy.  

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Green Drinks POSTPONED one week!

Tomorrow night's weather is supposed to god awful, and we're still digging out from yesterday, and the city canned 75% of the snow plows, so . . . we're going to meet on April 2nd instead.  Sorry for the inconvenience.

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Two key reminders

First, the next Green Drinks is in a week, the 26th, at Bitters.  If you're reading this, you survived St. Paddy's Day, so . . . you should drink some more beer with us.

Second, as I wrote last Sunday, the city of St. John's is looking for volunteers to advise the city, including their Environmental Advisory Committee.  The application deadline for both is this Friday, the 21st at 4 pm.  From hanging out with all of you, I know that Green Drinks has a lot of thoughtful people with great ideas.  I think it'd be great to see some Green Drinkers in these positions.  But also, I know a number of you are looking for career opportunities, and it seems like this kind of volunteering would be great for that.  (Granted, these aren't paid positions.  But it would definitely raise your profile, create networking opportunities, and look great on a resume.)

A now for your viewing pleasure . . .

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Engage with us on the 26th & with the city on the 21st

Well, it's March 16th, and naturally, everyone is looking forward to . . . Green Drinks (on the 26th at Bitters), not to be confused with another green drinking occasion.
But there's another great opportunity to participate in the city's activities.  St. John's is forming an engagement task force, seeking citizen volunteers "to support the development of a public engagement framework."  Furthermore, there's a parallel (though, I think, related) volunteer effort for the city's Environmental Advisory Committee.  Both have application deadlines on next Friday, March 21st at 4 p.m.  (I applaud the city for seeking its citizens' input.)

Green Drinkers, this is a great opportunity for us to put forward-thinking citizens in positions to affect local policy.  Please consider joining either of these.  Here is the link to the engagement task force.  Here is the link to the Environmental Advisory Committee.
Or "Make it so!"

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

We meet in two weeks!

As if St. Patty's Day never happened, we'll tilt pints of our own.  We're meeting at Bitters on March 26th at 7 pm to start our bi-monthly schedule for 2014. 

For your edification, here's a story about the fossil fuel industry.  Sure, it's in Ontario, but the industry is big here, too.  You can see how reasonable they are.